Monday, June 10, 2013

Denver Zoo

Greetings from Colorado!  Jen took me to the zoo on Saturday and she didn't leave me there... in fact she even took me out for frozen yogurt after.  The zoo was very nice and reminded me a little bit of Disney's Animal Kingdom but smaller.
 Near the Feline section of the zoo they had this "compare your hand to our paws" display.  Jen has stubby thumbs and as you can see here her thumb is the measurement of a child.  She put it against the adult thumb and it was about half of what an average adult has for a thumb.
 "Oliver, what's that?"  Said a mom and grandma near us.  "A tiger, rrraawwww."  "Yes, a tiger.  Your favorite."  Um, people there is a sign right in front of the enclosure that says Leopard.  Correct your child so they don't grow up to be stupid.  Even Jen thought that was some dumb parenting.    
 Notice, Leopards have spots and Tigers have stripes.  Tigers can be easily identified by calling them Tony and thinking of Frosted Flakes.  Pretty tiger... and huge!
 We stopped for a slice of pizza near the sea lions and polar bear.  He was hanging out in his shade cave and smiling for us.  Sorry mom but there wasn't a coca cola bottle in his hands.
Jen loved monkey island.  There were 2 monkeys going crazy swinging overhead and climbing all over the place.  They were quite fun to watch but it was kind of sunny and warm in that area so we spent more time watching the monkeys in the indoor area.
 After the zoo Jen took me to get some frozen yogurt and to see Bob's work place.  We had a fun day at the zoo and I am looking forward to our other adventures that she has planned.

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