Monday, November 11, 2013

It's a Wonderful Life

It's a Wonderful Life is one of those holiday classic movies that you fall in love with.  Living not that far away from the inspiration for Bedford Falls I have always wanted to go for their weekend festival to see the various pieces of the movie.  Their festival also includes a 5k that follows the route that George Bailey followed from the bridge, where he met Clarence the angel to see what life would be like without him in it, back to his house where Mary and his children were waiting.  
photo from the event website
Manfriend was busy researching something online and agreed to go for the day and handed over my registration fee without hesitation.  Now to plan a costume for the event that is classic holiday but I don't look like an elf (although that would be fun).  Here is the link to the page for this year:

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

November Goals

Welcome to the busy part of the year and less day light hours to do everything.   Daylight primarily affects my running and I am not a fan of my headlamp so I try very hard to squeeze in my run before it's dark at oh, 5 pm.  Anyways, I want to try and accomplish quite a few things so I figured I'd make a goal list for the month.  In fact, I decided to make a whole binder dedicated to helping me stay organized.  
Let's be honest, post-it notes all over with goals and to-do lists was not pretty all over my counter and table.  Plus I had to move them all the time to eat or prep food for dinner and such.  Enter my new binder that I spent a week figuring out what I wanted, how I would use it and what would work for me based on what has and has not worked in the past.
 I had the binder in the basement and love the My Glass Slipper (running shoe) sticker so I stuck that on there.  I made my own tabs with running plans, weekly planner, big to do and big ideas (projects that need to get done on the house) and things I love.
On each of my weekly pages it has a goals section (small things I want to accomplish for the week) and a looking ahead space (for the near future/month).  
My November Goals are:
dates in the planner
Christmas photo and cards done
put laundry away the day I do the laundry
try cooking 1 new meal a week
craft some holiday garland
keep up the running

Monday, November 4, 2013

too early for Christmas

On my adventure to the store to pick up the clearance Halloween candy for our gingerbread house extravaganza at Thanksgiving I couldn't help but notice a lot of Christmas "stuff" out.  Getting to see Disney for the Holidays this year I am super excited and happened to see this little goodie on the end cap at Target:

 They are countdown to Christmas ornaments that you can fill with small pieces of candy or whatever.  They are metal and Cinder approved of them so they are here to stay.
 I decided to hang them in our front hall for now until I figure out where I want this Disney display to be.  The big reason I made this purchase instead of the extreme clearance after Christmas waiting was because there are 3 Dumbo ornaments.
 He is just so cute that I cannot resist.  Although I did resist the squeeze his foot and his trunk blinks to Jingle Bells and his ears flop around.  Totally not worth $25 for that stuffed animal that would get annoying fast.
The only thing really over the top Christmas about these is the snowflakes and the few with Mickey and pals that are totally holiday themed.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Happy 30th Birthday Jen!

Happy 30th Birthday to my little sister Jen!  All those years that you spent wishing for a cat:
So have your cake (and ice cream too).  We know you've earned it.  Hope that you birthday is filled with lots of snuggles from your little dude who you are teaching very well the importance of ice cream and the art of napping. 
Or perhaps you and Bob can take a photo the reenacts Papa Bears 30th Birthday (except you get to wear the hat).
Happy Birthday Jen!  Hope it is amazing and all that you could hope for.  Sorry that we aren't there to celebrate with you but that just means that you need to move back here so we could surprise you with a party.