Friday, June 29, 2012

You walk your cat on a leash?

So, when Thunder Paws (Cinder Ella's nickname) was missing last year and we were asking some neighbors they were like, "that cat you walk on a leash?"  Yes, I walk the cat on a leash.  She is an indoor cat but likes to get outside once in a while to check things out.  I don't need some critter (the fox or coyote) eating her or a car smushing her.
Let's start by the fact that she is obsessed with the garage.  She begs at the garage door with howling meows to be let into the garage where she proceeds to do this:
in the garage
yep, exciting.  She just sits lays there on the carpet outside the door.
If the sliding glass door is open she begs with her meows at the door.  Who can resist such a cute face?
When I have her outside on the leash I usually comb her fur.  She loves it and just lays down on the patio for this most of the time.
I want to go outside too!
 Cinder and I eventually got part of the way into our huge side yard (the second time ever) and she had to climb on the rock.  All this exploring was tiring so we rested a bit.
oh rock, how I missed you

We continued on our adventure and stopped for a bit to eat.

crunchy and juicy
get your own snack
that does not smell good

After about 45 minutes of walking, exploring, eating she was tuckered out and sprawled on the driveway.  So yes, I do walk the cat on a leash.  

Monday, June 25, 2012

My Other Blog

So I feel like my life is kind of boring...except the running part.  I love Disney and I love running.  I decided to blog about my Disney adventures and  a little bit about the running part (and plan on more of the running part in the future).  Right now I've been slowly pulling out photos and blogging about my past races at Disney.  I plan to catch up to currently this summer and then start working on my weekly training runs and such.
You can check it out here:

Friday, June 22, 2012

Our First Anniversary

Luke and I celebrated our first anniversary on Monday.  We went on the Sam Patch Erie Canal boat cruise.  I was amazed at the people on the boat and how far they'd traveled to check it out.  There were people from Chicago, Germany and Indiana.  Earlier this season the boat has already seen guests from England and about 35 states.  
on the boat
"I got a mule/her name is Sal..."
After the cruise we went to the Pittsford Dairy Farm.  We had never been there.  I had a blue moon ice cream.  It was cake batter ice cream in a bright blue color with rainbow sprinkles.  Luke wanted to take a nap so we headed home and I did some laundry while he snoozed.  I decided it would be fun to go play miniature golf.  So we did.  I brought a coupon for BOGO but they had a special of BOGO anyways for the day so we can go with my coupon another day.
We stopped for a photo at 5:00 (the time our ceremony started) and set the timer on the camera.  We stopped again about 7 minutes later (giraffe and a very blue waterfall) for our official married 1 year photo (it was a short ceremony).  

We stopped and had my ring cleaned.  It's all sparkly again.  Luke decided on Olive Garden for dinner. When the waitress came over she right away had to tell me how beautiful my ring was before going on to tell us about their summer drinks.  Luke finally believes me when I tell him I get random compliments on my ring all the time.
 After dinner we headed home for cake.  I am not sure who decided it was a good idea to freeze cake for a year and eat it, but genius!  Our cake tasted amazing--not freezer burned or anything.  It didn't look too pretty since most of the icing stuck to the tupperware container sides/lid.  Thanks to my Momma and Papa Bear for keeping our cake in your freezer all year.  
It was a beautiful evening so I gathered stuff for a campfire.  While doing that I found this little four leaf clover.  Luke says it means we are lucky in love.  We had a wonderful day relaxing and are looking forward to many more years of happiness.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Door Decoration

I am not very crafty like my sister, although her little crafts are what allow me to decorate or appear to be crafty.  Take the ribbon flowers she made for my bridal shower.  They've been sitting in the basement looking pretty.  I twistie tied them together to make a rhombus shape for the front door.  Jen thought it was tacky.  So after a few weeks (weeks actually equaling months) I busted out the hot glue gun and broke a couple of "stems" to arrange the ribbon flowers into this configuration.  I like it and it was a great way for me to re-purpose something I had around the house.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Bathroom Done!

I hope you haven't been holding your breath for this post.  I know it has been a long time coming.  Our guest bathroom is finally done.  Just a reminder of what it looked like before:

And here is the after:

I really like the colors and how it is fairly neutral (although I miss the polk-a-dot bright colors).  We are still looking for a mirror for under the light fixture since it "dips" down a bit compared to the old one.  My mom got us a second shower curtain that matches the one I have up now so I can make a curtain/valence for the window.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Cake Class?

In April I took a cake decorating class.  My sister warned me that I'd have a lot of baking and the toaster oven wouldn't cut it.  I don't know if she took the same class as me or if I just didn't care as much but I only had to bake 3 times.  I suppose I should have baked more and practiced the techniques.   At the first class we just had to bring a can of frosting--nasty tasting stuff too if you ask me.  For our second class I had to bring a cake to decorate using the techniques we learned that night and from the week before.  I picked the cupcake template and transfered using the piping gel (which is very sticky and smells kind of gross).  For the third class we learned one way to fill cupcakes and then were turned loose to decorate them.  The gal from school I took the class with took most of the ones I decorated with home to share so I don't have many cupcake photos.  For the last class we had to bring a frosted cake to decorate with any of the techniques we'd learned plus a new flower that evening.  I wasn't feeling very creative or ambitious to fill a lot of icing bags so I kept it simple.   Don't look for me to grace any Martha Stewart magazines with this talent... but at least I can say I know how to make and decorate a cake.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


So Thunder Paws is too stinkin' cute to not take pictures of and want to snuggle with all day long. Here she is in the toilet box. I cut a hole in the bottom and it's her little play house.  She walks through the box all the time, naps in it and sits on it and watches the birds outside.  The box came from the powder room bathroom. We replaced the toilet that was the color of the tp holder... thank goodness.  I rotated the photo before attaching it but apparently that didn't last.  Oh well, you get the idea.  Happy Wednesday!