Monday, September 16, 2013

Disneyland Day 3

Part 3 of our Disneyland adventure took place after the 10K.  It was hot out and once again soared into the triple digits with the heat index.  Mom and I took a little nap before going to the parks.  We headed into California Adventure first for Cars Land and the Pixar Play Parade along with lunch.
 Before heading out the door I put on sunblock and hoped for the best since I had a touch of a headache.  Figured food would take care of that situation.  We had a bite to eat and I felt like I was on fire.  My face was burning up since I wasn't really "sweating" with the sunblock on so I wasn't cooling well.  I went to the bathroom and washed off what I could but I still felt really awful.  Mom held our parade spot while I continued to sit with a bag of ice on my neck, wrists, face and such.  I headed over to watch the parade after having sat at our lunch table for just over an hour after we finished eating.
 My mom was chatting up a few cast members while she was waiting and one of them happened to be somewhat important because she issued my mom what is basically a fast pass for a ride she talked about going to after the parade.  My mom also wanted to let the important one know what an awesome job the other member was doing and how nice she was.  Due to the weather the parade performers were going to be a little faster in their routines... meaning they were going to walk and stop less often for mini performances due to the heat.
 I still feel totally awful but we go over to Disneyland.   We stopped at first aid over  at Cali-Adventure for her to get a band aid for a spot on her foot that is rubbing.  At Disneyland we ride Pirates of the Carribean 2x in a row since the audio was not working for the first half of our first adventure.  Interesting experience and it makes you really appreciate how much the music adds to the experience.  Still amazing though all the other stuff without the music.   I am practically in tears by this point from not feeling well so we were going to go back to the room for some excedrin.  Mom asks a cast member about aspring and we head to first aid at Disneyland for me to hopefully kick the headache.  By now I've eaten and drank plenty of water and had ice/cold wraps on my face for about 2 hours and still feel like I can't cool off enough.
We sat in first-aid for about 30 minutes so I could cool off and since it was quiet.  I decide to try and suck it up so we venture into the park.  I was feeling better and wanted some Mickey beignets.  We sit at the French Market for about an hour waiting for them and munching.  After that we ended up back at our hotel room where I took a shower and went to bed with the intention of getting up to watch fireworks.  Didn't happen and I slept from about 6:30 that night until it was time to get up for the half marathon.
Not feeling well when it is hot at Disney is awful.  For me to call it a day when I am at Disney it was bad since I suck up an awful lot of exhaustion and such while I am there.  Don't be sick at Disney cause it isn't fun.

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