Saturday, December 31, 2011
Ceiling Fan
I've wanted to put a ceiling fan in our bedroom for awhile now. We received one as a gift from Luke's brother for our wedding. Papa Bear came over and the project began. We couldn't just climb in the attic through the hatch. He had to wear his Tyvek suit and a special mask since it was "fluff" insulation.
We determined where the center of the room was and he drilled a hole in the ceiling. Then he climbed into the attic and sawed a bigger hole so we could insert the mounting bracket to secure the fan. Little scary hearing him move around the attic and seeing the ceiling wiggle as he cut. 
Next, we (Papa Bear mostly) had to run the electric to the fan from the outlet in the room (I selected the one that operates off the switch). This involved getting the wire through the wall and then he stapled it up the internal attic access cubby. At least that was the plan until he dropped his hammer and it went between the drywall of the stairs, lost! He plans to retrieve it with a giant magnet someday. Some pain in the neck ceiling fan installation directions later, a flip of the circuit breaker, fingers crossed, and let there be light!
I love the fan and how it lights up the room rather than needing 3 lamps. Thanks Papa Bear for another home improvement project at our house!
Friday, December 30, 2011
What does 20 miles look like?
Earlier in December I had several long runs. People ask me how do you run so far? Or, more often, Why? Well, when I leave for a long run (and by long I mean over 14 miles or about 2 hours or longer) I head out the door with some candy and a drink or two. This particular run was a warm-ish day so I brought 2 bottles of watered down powerade and starburst and chocolate chips. I also bring my cell phone just incase I get into trouble with blisters or just extreme fatigue or a severe weather change. My favorite thing to eat on the run though are those gum drop like fruit slices and pez. Happy Trails!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Christmas Day Festivities
Luke and I hosted Christmas at our house. Year number two seemed to go more smooth than the first time around. I was busy so didn't get many pictures during Christmas, just these few before photos. I guess I didn't do a bad job since Jen told me it was less ghetto this year. She was probably just talking about the fact that we used ice in the ice chest instead of shoveling them full of snow. We would have used snow, but it was out of stock. 
Our front hallway stairs that greet guests when they walk in the door.
Tree one of two. Sorry I didn't take a picture of our basement tree that we used for our kid gift exchange and grab bag swap. All the decorations were put away the day after Christmas with the house vacuumed and put back to every day appearances.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Festival of Lights
We went to the Festival of Lights in Syracuse way back during the first weekend in December. There were a ton of lights and several themes. When we pulled into the park all in the car were amazed by the speed limit sign.
Mom liked the huge pointsettias and thinks papa bear needs to make some for their house to decorate the yard and bear.
In the area called Santa's Workshop we saw the elves pushing a cart from Wegman's. Did you really think Santa would have any other grocery store at the North Pole?
There was the Land of Oz. 
We had a nice drive through the lights and great weather for driving in. Thanks again to mom for driving and the parents for dinner.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Christmas Decorations
So, I was ambitious after Thanksgiving and decided to decorate. My ambition ended after I carried all our decorations up from the basement. Yup, that's all the decorations for our house, including ornaments, in just those boxes. We have one additional bin for our outdoor net lights.
One bin is all Disney Christmas stuff and is my favorite bin. Perhaps this is the real reason my ambition ended... plus the fact that there was the Grinch on T.V.
I did manage to get this little bit done though.
I will be spending this Saturday decorating since last weekend I worked on report cards and took a mini-cottage overnight break paired with the Festival of Lights in Syracuse. (2 miles of lights and Christmas music)
Monday, December 5, 2011
Cookie Day
So I fail miserably at taking pictures. I brought the camera, but did I take pictures. Nope. These are the few I took from the typically chaotic baking day. Baking this year on a scale of 1-10 was probably a 3. A huge failure in quantity of cookies produced, likely due to the lack of Martha aka Jen. Here are the peanut butter kiss cookies.
Later, Jen's father-in-law stopped over to install wireless for my mom and then let her borrow his ipad to facetime chat and "bake" with the aunts. Lack of baking lead to Jen taking us on a walking tour of her decorated for Christmas home. We also got to watch the dogs play/fight with each other and Paco ignore Jen.
I will try to do better at remembering to take pictures. Blogs are real boring without the pictures. Although making spritz cookies and using red hot dollars instead of the cherry center taste pretty good. No pictures of that though. But mom did throw red hot dollars at Max to catch in his mouth. She threw them as if they were darts. When she threw them for Wes to catch it was the rainbow, softball toss. There's no favoritism there.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Holiday Invitation
Well, I love Disney and since we had a Mickey Snowman for our Christmas day invite last year I decided to go with a Disney theme again this year. I only colored one since it took longer than I anticipated and Manfriend wasn't in the mood to help with the coloring. We'll just say I didn't color them incase a kid wanted to.
I figured it also went well with the apparent "Red Neck" style hosting we did last year. If you want to see our snow packed coolers check out my sisters blog about it here.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Patio Done!
Here is a picture of the finished patio. 
I am very happy with how wonderful it came out. Papa Bear and I decided that it needed that little step in the one corner since it is quite bigger than a normal step and the slope of our lawn. Although most people wouldn't care I insisted that we put the grill off to the side of the patio, which involved building up the area with dirt, packing it down and leveling it. What a pain in the neck, but I am glad that we did that. I DID help with the grill addition on the patio before helping Luke with some raking. My dad finished the leveling and placement of the stones for it though while I made tuna fish sandwiches for lunch.
In the spring I am going to move the lilies that are where the chairs are in the picture to the side of the patio. We will put Port Bay stones in since barely any rain gets there anyways. We are thinking some small shrubs or bushes along the side with the step so people don't think it's level with the lawn and hurt themselves.
In the spring I am going to move the lilies that are where the chairs are in the picture to the side of the patio. We will put Port Bay stones in since barely any rain gets there anyways. We are thinking some small shrubs or bushes along the side with the step so people don't think it's level with the lawn and hurt themselves.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Christmas in Disney?
Luke thinks that I would like a laptop and keeps joking with me that he is going to get me one for Christmas. I decided that a better idea would be to take me on a trip to Disney so we are there Christmas Day. I priced it out and we could leave on Saturday morning and return late Tuesday night with hotel and airfare for a few hundred less than the laptop would cost. His response to my research, "but we are having our families at our house for Christmas." Not a good excuse in my book because they can still have Christmas at our house, we just won't be there. Don't we want to make our first Christmas together special? I mean, just look at all the decorations and the magic of Disney... it would be great!
What do you think?
Saturday, November 19, 2011
I decided that I wanted a patio in the backyard. Luke would have preferred a deck, but is now very pleased with a patio. How do you decide how big and what shape to make a patio? Well, I hauled out the extension cord and roped off the size I wanted. Luke thought it looked too big and tried to convince me to make it smaller until I started whining about having people and a table and it being too crowded on the patio. My dad loves to be outside and did a huge chunk of the work for our patio.
He started out by making a frame for our gravel/crushed stone base.
We had stone delivered and he spread it out and stamped it down.
After that we had stone dust delivered (it reminded me of cinder track stuff). We used the stone dust at the recommendation of someone my mom works with. It turns hard over time and acts like concrete... a bonus is that weeds and moss stuff can't grow between your pavers.
My dad leveled (well, at a barely noticeable, slight slope so water would drain off the patio and away from the house) and stamped down the stone dust. My mom showed up with a truck load of pavers one night and we hauled them to the back yard. Our lawn was still soft from all the rain and the truck that dropped off the stone dust almost got stuck--with his 4x4. The next day I arrived home to find:
He started out by making a frame for our gravel/crushed stone base.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Shoes and the Cat
I love shoes... well, just running shoes and crocs. I ordered a pair of these shoes earlier in the week and cannot wait for them to come in. They are super comfy and best of all match my Tink costume.
I've put in several long runs with the pair I currently have and no blisters or achy spots since they are mostly a mesh/fabric construction and the lacing system isn't connected into a logo (which can sometimes create pressure points). The sole is flexible and allows for a smooth heel to toe transition. I won't bore you with the details of my awesome shoes... but if you ever want info on shoes let me know.
In other news, I think that Thunder Paws is feeling a bit lonely and wanting attention. She plopped herself on my school papers. I guess she misses all the hours she got to spend with me over the summer.

In other news, I think that Thunder Paws is feeling a bit lonely and wanting attention. She plopped herself on my school papers. I guess she misses all the hours she got to spend with me over the summer.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
For my Sister
Well Jen... since you are bored since I've been so busy and haven't posted, here is a little something for you:
What the classroom looked like when I "moved in"
Now it is full of papers and pencils and stuff.
Followed by a cross country meets and a pasta load:

More running:

An out of town wedding (not many photos though from that, her photographer was taking a gazillion)

More running:

and another pasta load:

So, between the coaching, teaching and running I haven't had time for keeping this interesting for you. Now that coaching is over I will post once a week and more if I can. Have a great November... and I'll make sure to look for an embarrassing photo of you as a happy be-lated birthday post. Oh, never mind. Happy late birthday to my oompa loompa sister:
What the classroom looked like when I "moved in"
Followed by a cross country meets and a pasta load:
More running:
An out of town wedding (not many photos though from that, her photographer was taking a gazillion)
More running:
and another pasta load:
So, between the coaching, teaching and running I haven't had time for keeping this interesting for you. Now that coaching is over I will post once a week and more if I can. Have a great November... and I'll make sure to look for an embarrassing photo of you as a happy be-lated birthday post. Oh, never mind. Happy late birthday to my oompa loompa sister:
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
We had no real plan for our Honeymoon other than a direction (somewhat) and a few locations to stop at and anything else we happened to come across on the way. First stop, Zippo factory/museum combo Pennsylvania Welcome Center.
Not much here in terms of visitor information. Oh well. Next, we drove to Freeland, PA. It was a small town and the people there kind of kept staring at us. Obviously we weren't locals. We ate at a cute pizza place and the food was good.
It was getting to be around 7:00 so we headed towards our next destination and would stop somewhere in our Room Saver book on the way for the lodging. Although we weren't anywhere dangerous Luke told me "no running" in the morning since the only road was basically highway.
On the agenda for day two was the Yuengling Brewery and Hershey's Chocolate factory tour and of course, anything we happened to come across. The Brewery was very interesting.
It is America's oldest brewery... and can be called that since during Prohibition they were still allowed to make Porter since it was deemed healthy for pregnant women to drink providing nutrients, etc. In order to obtain the drink though they needed a doctor's note. Yuengling also operated an ice cream place across the street (which is there but no longer in use).They have a stained glass window over the kettle since the workers complained about the glare off the copper and it allowed light in but filtered the blinding light.
They also took us down into the cave (which is no longer in use) and let us all take a bung (the cork type thing that used to be used in kegs after they were filled).
The strange part of our tour was the fact that the girl giving the tour was 20 so she couldn't even recommend a brew at the end for people to try. I tried their Yuengling Premium (it was good) and then had a root beer (I believe they called it birch bark). After we drove not too far to Hershey for some chocolate.
Can we say yummy BOGO milkshake lunch thanks to my printing a coupon at home? It wasn't what we expected, but there was definitely a lot of goodies to buy if we wanted. We wanted too, but it was so darn hot that it would have melted horribly in the car.
After, we drove towards Philly in search of a hotel. Philly was one of the places we knew we wanted to visit on our multi-state adventure. Our hotel was phenomenal (a suite at more than half off thank you room saver). Once we checked in we went out to dinner at Maggiano's. Knowing we would be at our hotel for another night and their great left overs and our kitchenette it was fantastic.
On the agenda for day two was the Yuengling Brewery and Hershey's Chocolate factory tour and of course, anything we happened to come across. The Brewery was very interesting.
After, we drove towards Philly in search of a hotel. Philly was one of the places we knew we wanted to visit on our multi-state adventure. Our hotel was phenomenal (a suite at more than half off thank you room saver). Once we checked in we went out to dinner at Maggiano's. Knowing we would be at our hotel for another night and their great left overs and our kitchenette it was fantastic.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Wedding Party Time
After our very short ceremony it was time for some photos and then of course dinner, dancing and dessert. After taking some of the traditional photos that we wanted (bridal party, grandparents, parents...) we headed out onto the golf course for some just the two of us photos. We were only gone about 40 minutes during the cocktail hour and wanted to keep the reception moving by having dinner at 6:30.
Dinner consisted of a buffet (which everyone says was delicious... I had chicken fingers from the snack shack). During dinner we opted for instrumental Disney songs to go with my love of Disney and help keep things tied together. After eating we went around and chatted with friends and family as they finished their meals. We cut the cake. We decided not to smush the cake since we didn't want to ruin the suit/dress. There weren't any napkins on the table so being the classy lady that I am I used the tablecloth to wipe my hands and face (hey, it worked). 
Next, we had our first dance to You and Me by Lifehouse. The song debuted shortly after we started dating (I believe) and I heard it performed on tv for a wedding. Then I danced with Papa Bear to When You Wish Upon a Star by Louis Armstrong. Jen danced with him to Gone Fishin' by Louis Armstrong so I thought that would be a nice thing to have the same singer but different song.
We had Ben & Jerry's ice cream as well as fruit tarts that my sister Jen made plus Hostess cupcakes and cookies among the desserts. Everyone seemed to enjoy the evening hanging around and chatting, using the photo booth and dancing. A gigantic thank you to my parents for hosting such a wonderful day/evening to celebrate the two of us getting married.
We had such a great time and did not want the evening to end. Our DJ was phenomenal. She let me pick the "last song." I chose I'm yours by Jason Mraz (she couldn't find Lucky in Love fast enough). My friends Dani and Kelly stayed out dancing with their fiances' and us til the end. Immediately after the song I picked she popped on I want to grow old with you by Adam Sandler. Not one person asked our DJ to do this, but having gotten to know us and seen some of our details the "real" last song was Mickey Mouse Alma Mater. Cue the waterworks from me (which lead to tears from mom, papa bear, Luke and Dani). I hear the song on every Magical Express bus trip home from Disney and it is the "it's really over," song. There could not have been a more perfect ending to a perfect day.
We had such a great time and did not want the evening to end. Our DJ was phenomenal. She let me pick the "last song." I chose I'm yours by Jason Mraz (she couldn't find Lucky in Love fast enough). My friends Dani and Kelly stayed out dancing with their fiances' and us til the end. Immediately after the song I picked she popped on I want to grow old with you by Adam Sandler. Not one person asked our DJ to do this, but having gotten to know us and seen some of our details the "real" last song was Mickey Mouse Alma Mater. Cue the waterworks from me (which lead to tears from mom, papa bear, Luke and Dani). I hear the song on every Magical Express bus trip home from Disney and it is the "it's really over," song. There could not have been a more perfect ending to a perfect day.
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