Friday, July 26, 2013

Pack Burrow Races?!? What the...

I am not making this stuff up.  Pack Burrow Racing exists and it is one of the most fun things that I have seen in much so we are going to see another race on Sunday.
 Oh yes, those are real Burrows being paraded down the street to the race start... all 60 of them.  How did we stumble upon this you may be wandering.  Well, we decided to exit the expressway on our way to an outlet center for the visitor information center and saw a bunch of burrows and people gathering.  I kind of knew what it was right away since I'd read a small thing about it a while back.
 And they were off for a 5ish mile race through the mountains on a trail before finishing in town.  You can apparently be a great runner but if your burrow doesn't want to go you aren't going anywhere.
 There were racers and burrows in all shapes and sizes.  We were talking to a burrow owner/trainer and learned quite a lot about the series of events held each summer in Colorado. This was a small race and many are tied to "history" days in the mountain towns.  While the racing was underway we watched some mining competitions where they had to drive spikes and drill holes in rock.  Interesting indeed but we loved the small town charm the whole event had.
 As you can see, if the burrow doesn't want to go, you aren't going.  We were treated to beautiful scenery driving and mom ended up with 2 pairs of crocs at the outlet center.  After that we headed to Blackhawk.
 Blackhawk is a small town that has small casinos that kinds of look like an old west town.  It was very cute and of course my mom was a big winner and I was a loser.
 We got home late but that didn't stop my momma from reading to Michael.

1 comment:

  1. I had never heard of back burrow racing before. What a hoot. If they had those around here I am sure Amanda would be doing it. Always remember.. YOU ARE LOVED
