Friday, July 12, 2013

Colorado... we arrived

So after spending two and a half days in the car we finally arrived in Colorado... to spend more time in the car than we wanted.  See that sky in way back there... yup, a major, nasty storm brewing.  We figured we wouldn't run into it since it was over there and we were heading not there.
 And suddenly it was in front of us, but far away in front of us.  As well as the far away on the side of us.
 Then it got darker.  And there was lightning in the distance... but not that far away.  You can see it near the bottom of the reflection triangle.  Scary.  And then we hear that emergency broadcast beeping sound that we have only ever heard as a test before, except this time it is followed by an actual severe storm warning with hail, flooding and lightning moving at about 5 miles and hour or was it 5 miles wide.  We drive forward thinking we still aren't going to actually "get it" since radios broadcast wide.
 Then the extreme downpour starts and the hail.  Our GPS (after 5 minutes I decided to take a pic of the GPS).  Yes, it is saying our arrival is at 8:25 pm and we are at 0 mph with 112 miles to go.
 The hail is quite large and striking my side of the car so mom has me put the baby changing pad on the window incase it breaks it won't hurt me, or at least not as bad.  It was scary.
 We can't drive anywhere because of the extreme rain and it is practically a mini-river down the road with zero visibility.  So we check out the brochures we picked up at the welcome center.
 And we are just about to start driving again... to get gas and notice the time of arrival is now 8:41.  We spent basically 30 minutes on the side of the road unable to move because of the awful storm that seemed to come from nowhere.  I have no idea where all that rain could have come from since it is so brown and dry for the most part driving through.
 When we finally were able to get going and stop for gas at the nearest exit as well as a bathroom, incase this happened again we were treated to a beautiful, full double rainbow.
 And it got brighter before gradually fading.
 The rest of our drive was uneventful (thankfully) and the sun came out.
We were on our way to meet Michael at the hospital... fortunately the hospital did not have visiting hour restrictions.

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