Thursday, July 10, 2014

Michael's First Birthday & 4th of July

Our usual 4th of July festivities kicked off with a delicious meal over at Patty and Danny's place.  We lucked out in that the weather was unusually "chilly" for the holiday.  Usually we are all sitting around sweating but this year we had many people scrambling for long sleeve shirts or pants.  It was actually a perfect temperature but after the heat and humidity in the days before it was a bit of a shock.  
 After lunch/dinner we usually have a poker game but this year we headed over to my parents place where Jen had set up an Ice Cream Shoppe for Michael's First Birthday.  She put a lot of the classic details into the decor and it was amazing.

 Of course the family loved it since we all have a bit of a large sweet tooth.  People sat around chatting and enjoying their sundaes and Root Beer floats.  She had so much leftover too that we invited the neighbors for ice cream and they were in heaven.
 Michael woke up from his nap and was not the happiest of campers.  Usually he is happy but he was just sort of crankity.  Here is Bob tossing him in the air trying to get him to smile before they did his smash cake.
 I might have been kind of unhappy too if all these people were staring at me and I'm not used to all the fuss from that many people.  I am sure that everyone got a great photo of him not smashing his cake while I took one of them all staring at the handsome little dude.
 He did smile for Great Gee-Gee though and had fun sitting in his lap.  Who wouldn't want to smile with Grandpa Zip singing songs and smiling.  He is such a happy guy that it is contagious.
 In the other part of the yard the kids were gathered on the hammock making kickball teams.  Kickball did happen but we were feeding the neighbors ice cream and didn't make it back to Patty and Danny's for that.
 I insisted on giving Michael his gift from Luke and I.  He was very happy and had a huge grin on his face.  It was just what Jen and Bob needed for him to have so he would have some smiling one year photos from the party.  It was a Monsters Inc. inspired coupe.
 Then they did a picture of all the Mikes...
 That night we went to the former Pier One for karioke and drinks.  Our family consisted of about 3/4 of the people there and they were supposed to stop the singing at 9:30 but kept it going until about 1:30.  Crazy.
It was a wonderful 4th of July celebrated with friends and family plus a birthday thrown in there.  A little crazy but that is how most family events are for us and I love it most of the time.

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