Monday, February 24, 2014

Old Man Luke

Luke turned 30 over the weekend.  He is officially part of the old man club.
 I decided to have a mini- surprise party for him at the Coach on Tuesday for chicken wings.  He suspected nothing and is usually late to arrive.  Well, the bugger decided to come early and ruined his surprise party.  Oh well.  He enjoyed his cake very much (a toilet) and wore his hat the entire dinner.
 Big thanks to the family that came for his birthday.  We kept it simple and just those that typically show up anyways on a Tuesday night for wings.  Then I let his brother plan a party for his family.  Luke didn't really want anything other than to chill with some friends.
 Knowing that we were going to a local bar/pub in the area I opted for cupcakes this time and kept with the toilet theme.  Luke loved them but I didn't have any yellow sprinkles that would have most definitely classed up the decor.
 I was the designated driver for the evening and after taking a shot upon first arriving at the bar to celebrate I stuck with water the rest of the  night and we left almost 5 hours later.  I was exhausted but very entertained by some older folks at the bar dancing and having a great time.
 My handsome Manfriend with his cousin Amber and brother John.  Over about 5 bowls of popcorn the decided that next year they are going to drive down to visit their grandparents in Florida for spring break.
 What Luke was most excited about--his Best Friend from elementary and high school coming and hanging out all evening.  Zach and Kelli (his wife) were there to support all evening.
 At one point Luke tried to learn the cotton-eyed Joe dance from Des (dating John).  We were entertained.  A fun night was had by all.  Happy Birthday Old Man!


  1. As always, keepin' it classy with the cake.

  2. Very nice! Looks like fun! Happy Birthday, Luke!
