Monday, February 17, 2014

Happy Anniversary Manfriend!

Today Luke and I are celebrating our first date that took place 9 years ago.  I am pretty sure that I had to drive my sister Jen to the airport so she could fly to NYC and visit Bob.
 After dropping her off I headed over to UB where Luke had class and we met up in the parking lot so we could go out for a date.  We went to a local pool hall to play pool (where I totally kicked some butt) and then went out to see the movie The Aviator.  We both thought it was a decent movie but a bit long.
 We went back to UB so I could get my car and then I went to Wegman's to grocery shop before heading back to Fredonia.  He called me the next day to make sure I got back to Fredonia and see if we could go out on a date another time.  Luke is the best Manfriend in the world.  He knows that I am not a flowers person (I might die if I ever get flowers from my phobia of them) and while dating would bring me taffy (yum and a favorite of mine) or stop for Ben and Jerry's ice cream making a huge effort to go out of his way for some Triple Carmel Chunk that was only sold at their scoop shop locations back then.
This little beauty that I have been eyeing up since October made it's way into our home the other day.  He realized that if I spent that much time looking at it online and trying to find it at the Disney store and Disney (2 trips) that he was going to find it on e-bay for me.  Just because he loves me and is always trying to find a way to surprise me and put a smile on my face.  Love you Handsome and am looking forward to many more years of celebrating our first date.


  1. Happy anniversary! Just celebrated 11 years here. I can't believe we put up with them that long.
