Monday, August 18, 2014

DIY Cleaning stuff

So Manfriend was on a whole kick of reading financial planning blogs and books.  He's always thinking and asking questions.  So I figured I'd do my little part to help his blog but he has yet to use my numbers (and I spent time running them).

Traditionally I would go out and buy cleaning products (powder stuff for scrubbing, window cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, spray/gel for shower).  I figured I had to buy the stuff 2x a year costing $18.12 a year (I used the prices from the supermarket and doubled).  I decided to try and make my own cleaning products and the total cost was $7.38 for the year.  If I added in an essential oil (lemon) to avoid my house smelling like we just dyed eggs then the cost is $12.37 for the year and we aren't using any chemicals in our house.  This is only a savings of $5.75 for the year--enjoy your breakfast wrap at Bruegger's 1x with that savings Manfriend.

My homemade product is distilled water, vinegar in equal parts with some essential oil.  This has been amazing at cutting through grease and cleaning the counters.  To cleanse the sink and for scrubbing I use baking soda.  As for cleaning the toilet I am still buying toilet bowl cleaner.  I'm sure a combo of baking soda and such would work for that but let's face it--I picked the easy way on that one.

Laundry detergent is where we found some major savings for the year.  Making my own costs $11.36 for the year and I make it twice ($22.72).  Buying detergent (Tide) costs $17.99 and I would go through three ($53.97).  Homemade laundry detergent is saving us $31.25 a year.  Again, we don't have any extreme chemicals and our clothes are just as clean.

That's about all I have figured out so far (and all that I have DIY for taking care of the house chores).  Now if I can find a way for the lawn mower to work on grass clippings we will be in business!

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