Monday, May 12, 2014

Belated Mommy Day

I hope all the Momma's out there had a wonderful Mother's Day.  I wanted to give some recognition to my Mommy since I am pretty sure she is the best.  She is always finding a way to make me smile, or at least make me think I might be smiling.
 Believe it or not she is one of my most favorite people to travel with or just do nothing at all with.  Time always seems to fly by with her by my side.  She is always there for me and doesn't complain about my crazy running life.  She is my biggest supporter and number one fan.  Whatever the race she will be there and always has been since I started running about 20 years ago.  I can count on one hand the number of races she was not able to attend and they were all for good reasons.  But she was always there with me since she gave me a charm to wear.  Any parent wondering if it really matters that you go watch all those soccer games and such--it does to your kid.  Coaching for 8 years there were the parents that were there and those that were sometimes--be the one that is there, it means more than the world and moon.
She still loves getting a homemade card and proudly wears a homemade sweatshirt--saving it to wear whenever the mood strikes.  She still wears the "Run Jen Run" one from Jen's first 5k.  A Mommy loves her kids no matter what and mine is no exception.  She will go the extra mile to make you feel loved and special with a secret surprise of a Perfectly Goofy visor at the end of your race, and taking off your shoes.  Little things always let you know she's thinking of you.  An e-mail with the contents of an article you might like, a cookie, a cold raspberry slurpee on a hot day after mowing your lawn... the list never ends.
And since I know that my mom loves my sister and me,  I know that my sister is going to be a great mom that loves her kid just as much!  She's going to be OK with having a water fight in the kitchen of the cottage, because our mom made it fun and acceptable.  Oh, and if you go out to a bar with your about 10 day old baby and have a margarita you are on the right track to be a fun and loving mom, just like ours.
I also know that you are teaching little Dude all kinds of great things and spending quality time with him.  Look at that face, he loves going running with you and someday he will ride a bike alongside while you run.  Happy Mother's Day to my Mommy as well as a first Happy Mother's Day to my sister.   Here is to many more wonderful Mom moments and memories.

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