Monday, December 23, 2013

Back to Back Sea days

Kuddos to Carnival for the entertainment during our 2 days at sea before returning to Port Canaveral.  I was excited to end the cruise part of our vacation and begin the Disney part of our vacation.  What did we do for two days at sea? A few drinks
 I participated in the Rubber Chicken Olympics because let's face it, when will I ever do that again?  We basically had to go ask people to give us stuff that they would get back.  Last person to return was eliminated.  I lost when it was time to get lemonade since I didn't know we were allowed to go into the cafeteria and thought we had to get it from the pool deck.  Oh well.
 After the "Olympics" they had a man come out to carve ice.  He finished the Chief in about 15 minutes.  He has been working on the skill for over 15 years and his father and grandfather are also sculptors.
 Being the old fuddy duddies we are we played Bingo. We did not win but we had fun watching how competitive the other people were.  Oh, you don't like that they are playing a different way for just one game and you have a mini-fit the rest of Bingo.  (I moved and made it overly dramatic on purpose--then Luke almost won which made them even more feisty about the game).  Bingo Drama!
 We went to a show before dinner the one night.  It was the newlywed game with couples from the cruise ship ranging in marriage years from 4 days ago to 27 years and 58 years.  We were late to dinner but it was totally worth it.  Think of the Newlywed Game show and that was basically what happened.
 We enjoyed just hanging around and relaxing.  One evening we stayed in our cabin and watched The Internship on the "movie channel."  They have 4 movies each day and they play on different channels. Then we had our late dinner followed by the comedy club.  We loved going to see the comedians.  They were very funny with everything.  The one went on about husbands and wives and cold feet.  We barely kept it together since my feet are always like popsicles.  Apparently this is common with most people cause the room was in stitches.
 Luke enjoyed this chocolate lava cake thing practically nightly after dinner.  I had sorbet and hot cocoa.  Even if I didn't ask for the cocoa they brought it for me after 3 days of ordering it.  Amazing attention to detail.
 Our last day I tossed in the laundry and we lived in our swim suits for most of the day while the laundry processed.  We were in the sun about an hour with full SPF 70 on and I had enough of it so we moved to the shade and just read our books there.  Not that it was hot with the ocean breeze but I just can't lay in the sun without getting bored (plus the pages of the book are extremely bright in the sun).
 We went to the Lanai deck for a BBQ cookout for lunch.  We should have definitely done this on one of the other days.  Delicious and fresh cooked compared to the lunch buffet on the Lido deck.
 Sunset on our last day... it actually was nice this day since the clouds weren't too low to actually see the sun.
 And I woke up to the beautiful sunrise and next to the Disney Fantasy ship (Dumbo!).  It was Disney day and I was excited.
 We had to wait for-ev-er to be called to exit the ship.  We were issued tags 34 out of 35.  Next time we will carry our own bags instead of having them "on a table" in a huge waiting area by customs.
Next stop:  DISNEY!!!

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