Saturday, April 14, 2012
So, what do I do while the boys play in the bathroom? Sometimes I go run errands with my Momma, other times I am busy with school work. The other day I played with the ipad. I downloaded the free Disneyland app and decided to play with all the stuff it offered. I drew Goofy, Donald and Mickey. 
I also checked out the different parts of the parks, videos and games. I enjoy it's a small world where you have to crank the gears to get them to sing/dance. Luke saw my big, goofy grin while playing and has since brought the ipad to me when I am bummed with the Disneyland app open and ready for play. What a good guy.
Friday, April 13, 2012
I posted about my classroom a long time ago and realized I haven't taken any pictures of the room. So I stopped in the school over break (gasp) and did some copying and prep work for after break. Too bad I haven't taken pictures throughout the year considering I've arranged the room, books and everything about 5 times. It's staying like this til the end of the year.
Part of the reason for so many arrangements was I couldn't figure out what to do with the giant teacher desk. I eventually realized I haven't used the one storage closet or any of the contents (as a long term sub I crammed the other teachers stuff in there). Considering I haven't touched the closet all year I shoved the desk in the corner against the wall and problem solved since I sit at the kidney table for reading groups and planning. I don't use the desk for anything other than stacking papers and the drawer full of emergency ramen noodles, poptarts and chocolates.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
I have finished painting (for now). I touched up the trim in the hall, door frames and the stairs. That was a lot of blue painters tape and prep work. I am glad to be done with that. Thunder didn't help, although she feels the need to be there (I mean be in the way) for almost everything else. I was half expecting her to come prancing up the stairs and rub her face on the door frame only to be painted. I guess she learned her lesson after having a painted ear for a few months when we first moved in.
My mom went to a fundraiser and bid/won a 12x12 remnant rug. It will go in the dining room. I managed to unroll it in there and am going to trim it to fit the space at some point as well as tucking the edges under the trim. The room was carpeted in orange shag when we moved in.
I think it warms the space up. I wish that the remnant piece was more of a gray hue, but you get what you get. At least it isn't green shag or something odd.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Spring Break
Well, it's officially spring break for me. On the list of things to do:
1.) Finish Bathroom
2.) Touch-up trim paint around the house
3.) clean things
4.) avoid painting
5.) Lots of Running
So race registration is officially open for Goofy 2013. I was lucky enough to snag early entry last week. I was also lucky and got my pre-order copy of the new OLP cd in the mail the day it launched in Canada (the US launch is 2 weeks later).
Back to that second cup of my favorite coffee and that second coat of paint!
1.) Finish Bathroom
2.) Touch-up trim paint around the house
3.) clean things
4.) avoid painting
5.) Lots of Running
So race registration is officially open for Goofy 2013. I was lucky enough to snag early entry last week. I was also lucky and got my pre-order copy of the new OLP cd in the mail the day it launched in Canada (the US launch is 2 weeks later).
Back to that second cup of my favorite coffee and that second coat of paint!

Saturday, April 7, 2012
Almost Done...
It's been a long process, but we haven't been working on it non-stop. We work when we can and there isn't a real hurry, other than before summer and cottage weekends start. We put in our new light fixture. Here is the old one dangling out of the wall. Luke decided he'd try to have it done before I got home from school one day. That didn't work out since he needed someone to hold up the new one while he put the wiring together. It's the thought that counts.
As with any project, it took longer than anticipated. It was daylight when we started, and by the time we were done it was almost dark.
Papa Bear came over and the decorative moulding trim was put up, the vanity installed as well as the toilet. All we have to do is seal the grout and put in the shower fixture and curtain rod. A few touch ups on the paint and I'll post the finished bathroom. I wasn't going to paint the linen closet, but decided that I will. It is my over spring break project along with touching up paint in the house. We've got scuffed up backers on the stairs and some nicks on the hall walls.
Vanity installation. There was a leak under the sink but we just had to adjust the drain stopper. The toilet installation went well. Papa Bear applied some silicone to some of the internal parts so we had to wait 24 hours before filling the tank and testing it out. All worked fine when we got to test it out. 
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Almost Finishing Touches
Well, the tiling is done after several weekends of using the tile saw for cutting and waiting for warm enough temps or skipping due to nice weather that is unheard of this time of year. Papa Bear came over during the day before work to grout for us. The grout really cleans up the tile work and makes it look complete. We had to find a way to finish the edges of the tile since it doesn't go right up to the "drywall line." Luke and I choose a decorative rope tile. Here is some tiling in progress:
Grouting in progress a few days later:
The wains coating going up on the walls so we can start the home stretch of the project.
I really love how the colors are coming together nicely. It is making the disaster of a guest bedroom where all the supplies and tools are being kept worth it, as well as the dusty mess (which is not all the bathroom fault, I've been lazy on the cleaning of the house).
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Tile Work
Papa Bear and Manfriend have been very busy with the bathroom. Papa Bear and Luke worked on the tile one Sunday afternoon. Monday I come home from work to find the entire wall tiled... my dad came over before work because he wanted to see our decorative tile in place so he set to work tiling the rest of the wall just to put up the border. 
All our colors are coming together nicely. I painted the wains coating a chocolate brown color to compliment the lighter cream of the tiles and top of the wall.
It doesn't look dark in this picture, but it's just the lighting. And yes, the dining room table was the best idea for painting. I used a vinyl table cloth and any drips of paint just peeled right off.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Bathroom Progress
Well, I know it's been about forever since the last post. I've done marking period 2 report cards, parent/teacher conferences and just busy with everything. We had a heat wave of 70 degree weather for about 2 weeks in early March. We picked up some necessary items for the bathroom... Luke loves my car for Home Depot or Lowes trips. Yes, you see cars with toilets in the back end driving around everyday.

Why do they need 2 toilets if they are just doing their guest bathroom you might ask. Well, the weird colored greenish/blue in the powder room is getting replaced. After much debate and comparing at the store we decided on these Kohler round bowls. After installation we realized that they are "like" dual flush. If you just release the handle they flush fine, but if you hold the handle down a few seconds you have extreme flush.
Why do they need 2 toilets if they are just doing their guest bathroom you might ask. Well, the weird colored greenish/blue in the powder room is getting replaced. After much debate and comparing at the store we decided on these Kohler round bowls. After installation we realized that they are "like" dual flush. If you just release the handle they flush fine, but if you hold the handle down a few seconds you have extreme flush.
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