Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March Goals

So we replaced the remaining windows in our house and they are great.  No more storm windows covered in frost and severe drafts in our rooms.  The guy lucked out too and temps were in the upper 20's the day he did the windows compared to the below zero temps with the windchill that has been par for all of February.  We are still stuck in the stupid polar vortex.  We really need spring around here.

Anyways, here are some goals for March:
Suck it up and just get out the door 4 days a week to run--bundle up!  It's great having the elliptical but I just don't feel like I "worked out" when I use it, even if I break a major sweat.  So we might have an extra load of laundry for the next month while I wear 3 pairs of pants and 4 shirts for each run.  Totally re-evaluating my April half marathon goal because of the weather and my training.

Spend 15 minutes 3 days a week reading a book.  There are so many good books out there but I just don't take the time to really sit down and read a good book.  Don't get me wrong I read plenty but it is different doing a read aloud at school compared to a book for yourself.

Crochet.  Yup, I need to practice on this one.  I took a class and am a total fail (but the instructor was horrible in my defense).  I looked at some tutorials on-line and it is making some sense to me.  Thank you instructor for not going over the vocabulary and assuming we had a clue what you were talking about.  I will figure it out but just need some extra practice.

And reenact this polaroid photo my aunt Jodi has on her fridge while Jen is in town:

Every time we talk about when we were little kids she talks about this photo and how it cracks her up.  Just imagine us now.  Oh, and the tree still fits it just has a very long trunk.

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