Thursday, October 3, 2013

Laundry Detergent

I read my sisters blog and checked out her friend Christy's blog.  She had made her own laundry detergent.  I thought I would give it a whirl myself and found that it was really easy.  I gathered the materials:
You do need 3 bars of Fels Naptha soap and a grater.  I followed Christy's directions and then put the contents into large zip-top bags with the rest that I would scoop out of going into a plastic container with a screw top left over from peanuts.  So far the detergent works great and all the supplies were just over $20.  It makes a lot of detergent and you only need 2 "coffee scoops" for a full load of laundry.  It seems like I have barely dented what I made but I've done countless loads of laundry.  Compare the amount of laundry to what you get out of a huge $18 thing of Tide that does 78 loads and we are totally on the winning end of cost effectiveness.  I really like the clean smell it leaves on our clothes.  

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