Sunday, March 17, 2013

cleaning house

Luke was away the past week for work in D.C.  I was called to sub a few days and the days I was off I spent majorly cleaning out.  I have 2 bags of clothes and other miscellaneous items for donation (on top of 1 bag from January and 2 from February).  I went through a bunch of school items in the basement and recycle bin filling ensued!
 Here is the stack of papers on the counter... followed by the recycle bin in the garage.  Notice how half of the bin is almost filled to the top?  It weighed a lot so I left the recycle guy a coca-cola with a note that said, "weighs a lot.  thanks!"  We almost always have a lot of recycles too and he makes sure to toss our bin way up the driveway near the garage so it doesn't blow away.
I've also busted out the griddle we received as a wedding gift.  It was used at the cottage for a little bit but has been sitting in the basement.  I made pancakes with it the other day and they were amazing... crispy edges and I could make more than one at a time.  Made French toast as well and that was also amazing.

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