Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 7 Disney

Last park day at Disney and we leave tomorrow (great news is that for the first time I did not cry leaving Disney or watching the fireworks... well, maybe a tear). I love Magic Kingdom so it was back to my personal favorite and another spin on Dumbo the Flying Elephant... the nineth wonder of the world!
The park was somewhat crowded, but nothing compared to the other day when we went. We went on some favorites and enjoyed the atmosphere. I took mom and dad over to Tom Sawyer island... it's not much but it was something different. We all agreed that the caves were dark and disorienting. Dad had a fun time making the barrel bridge wiggle while mom tried to walk across. Funny thing is that kids seem to get across just fine, it's the grown-ups that have a hard time. Here we are taking a break and enjoying the warm sunshine on the water. We didn't go on too many attractions and opted to enjoy the atmosphere. We watched the Main Street Philharmonic, the Dapper Dans and took in the many sights and smells of Main Street, USA.We headed over to Mickey's Toon Town since we hadn't been there since our first visit in 2002. Looking back it was a good idea since it has since been closed and the space will be used by the Fantasyland expansion project. I thought a lot of the details in the town were cuter. Mom took the time to point out that it was kind of in need of "fixing" when we were there. I didn't pay much attention to the fact it was closing, but now the "icky" factor makes sense.

BEST PART OF THE DAY: We were not allowed to take pictures on the Laugh Floor, but mom got picked by one of the Monsters to participate in the show. First word out of her mouth when the spot light hit her was a curse. Monster's mouth drops open. She ended up having to play "telepathetic" with the monster and send him signals of the number she was "thinking," as a guy wearing a football jersey had the number showing.
We went back later in the day to watch another comedy show and Papa Bear kept hoping she'd get picked again. She didn't, but a woman who had run the marathon was hilarious. She started to laugh so hard then managed to utter, "good thing I went to the bathroom before coming in here."

Of course we had a friendly competition on the Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin. I earned another perfect score on the trip and here I am with momma making a face at the end. I have the title "Galactic Hero." We enjoyed the flag retreat ceremony and fireworks. Papa Bear kept talking about the electric water pageant. Even though it was damp/chilly out we went over and watched it from the Polynesian beach. This is how he chose to stay warm for the show:
We had a wonderful vacation and I am so happy that my parents were able to come with me. Maybe one of these year's we will convince Jen to come with us. I've got March 15th on my calendar so I can register for the 2012 edition of Goofy.

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